

Be on your guard, watch out! beware, take heed
Covetousness is like the sin of greed
Be on your guard, watch out! take heed, beware
Don’t let it catch you in its snare

 Jesus told the parable of a man who could see
That his ground had brought forth quite plentifully
All this food I have, he thought, but no place to store
I have enough -- but I want MORE!

 I know what I’ll do, he said, I’ll pull down my barns
And I’ll build even bigger ones on all of my farms
I’ll sit back and enjoy what I have stored up for me
I’ll eat, drink and merry I will be

 But God said, You fool, this night your soul will be required
Your money will belong to other people who you hired
So is he who puts himself and riches on the throne
But is not rich toward God alone

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Be on your guard, watch out! beware, take heed
Covetousness is like the sin of greed
Be on your guard, watch out! take heed, beware
Don’t let it catch you in its snare

 Jesus told the parable of a man who could see
That his ground had brought forth quite plentifully
All this food I have, he thought, but no place to store
I have enough -- but I want MORE!

 I know what I’ll do, he said, I’ll pull down my barns
And I’ll build even bigger ones on all of my farms
I’ll sit back and enjoy what I have stored up for me
I’ll eat, drink and merry I will be

 But God said, You fool, this night your soul will be required
Your money will belong to other people who you hired
So is he who puts himself and riches on the throne
But is not rich toward God alone

Be on your guard, watch out! beware, take heed
Covetousness is like the sin of greed
Be on your guard, watch out! take heed, beware
Don’t let it catch you in its snare

 Jesus told the parable of a man who could see
That his ground had brought forth quite plentifully
All this food I have, he thought, but no place to store
I have enough -- but I want MORE!

 I know what I’ll do, he said, I’ll pull down my barns
And I’ll build even bigger ones on all of my farms
I’ll sit back and enjoy what I have stored up for me
I’ll eat, drink and merry I will be

 But God said, You fool, this night your soul will be required
Your money will belong to other people who you hired
So is he who puts himself and riches on the throne
But is not rich toward God alone

Volume One Digital Album
Dead Flies
Be Strong
As Many as Received Him