Quench Not the Spirit


I Thessalonians 5:19

Quench not the Spirit when He whispers to you
Quench not the Spirit, he will show you what to do
Listen to the Bible words and do what they say
Quench not the Spirit, quickly quickly obey

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I Thessalonians 5:19

Quench not the Spirit when He whispers to you
Quench not the Spirit, he will show you what to do
Listen to the Bible words and do what they say
Quench not the Spirit, quickly quickly obey

I Thessalonians 5:19

Quench not the Spirit when He whispers to you
Quench not the Spirit, he will show you what to do
Listen to the Bible words and do what they say
Quench not the Spirit, quickly quickly obey

At the End of the Day
Volume 2 Sheet Music Collection - Home Use
Volume 1 Sheet Music Collection - Group Use
Old Man, New Man