Good Morning, Mrs. Bird


Good morning Mrs. Bird, how are you today?
Chirp chirp chirp, is all that you can say
But you know a secret and I do too
Our Wonderful God made me made you

Good morning Miss Kitty Cat, how are you today?
Meow meow, is all that you can say
Good morning Mr. Puppy Dog, how are you today?
Bark bark bark, is all that you can say
But you know a secret and I do too
Our Wonderful God made me made you

Good morning boys and girls how are you today?
Talk talk talk, you have a lot to say
So let’s tell EVERYONE the secret is true
our wonderful God made me, made you

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Good morning Mrs. Bird, how are you today?
Chirp chirp chirp, is all that you can say
But you know a secret and I do too
Our Wonderful God made me made you

Good morning Miss Kitty Cat, how are you today?
Meow meow, is all that you can say
Good morning Mr. Puppy Dog, how are you today?
Bark bark bark, is all that you can say
But you know a secret and I do too
Our Wonderful God made me made you

Good morning boys and girls how are you today?
Talk talk talk, you have a lot to say
So let’s tell EVERYONE the secret is true
our wonderful God made me, made you

Good morning Mrs. Bird, how are you today?
Chirp chirp chirp, is all that you can say
But you know a secret and I do too
Our Wonderful God made me made you

Good morning Miss Kitty Cat, how are you today?
Meow meow, is all that you can say
Good morning Mr. Puppy Dog, how are you today?
Bark bark bark, is all that you can say
But you know a secret and I do too
Our Wonderful God made me made you

Good morning boys and girls how are you today?
Talk talk talk, you have a lot to say
So let’s tell EVERYONE the secret is true
our wonderful God made me, made you

A to Z CD
Volume Two Accompaniment Tracks
Volume One Accompaniment Tracks
Volume Two CD
Volume Two Digital Album