Pray Always Pray


Pray always pray
Pray night and day
Without ceasing without fainting
With humility
God supplies all your need
And your path he will lead
When you obey his Word and
Pray always pray

 A widow woman cried to the judge every day
“Avenge me of my adversary!” he heard her say
“I don’t believe in God;” he said, “for people I don’t care
But because she won’t leave me alone, I’ll answer her prayer.” 
Now Jesus told this parable to teach us to pray
Just like a beggar crying out for help every day
The Devil is our enemy who tries to do us wrong
But God hears the cry of those who pray all day long 


A Pharisee was standing in the temple by his chair
And everyone around the man could clearly hear his prayer
“I’m glad that I’m so good,” he said, “and not like other men;
I’ve kept the law so I don’t need to be born again.” 

The publican stood far off so that others couldn’t see
“O God, I am a sinful man, be merciful to me!”
He left the temple right with God and justified that day;
His gratitude and humble heart had taught him to pray 


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